Photos - Removing boat name

The name of the boat makes the boat easily recognisable, we want to protect the Owners property and gear and protect our interest in the sale.


  • Customers viewing the detailed boat spec online can view the Owners personal gear and equipment. By removing the boat name and from customers identifying the boat we protect the Owners property. (This is also why we also ask customers to register if they want to view the photos in detail.)
  • Protecting our interest.
  • When you are recording videos, avoid all areas where the boat name appears.

Boat Names appear in lots of places...

  • Hull (bow and stern)
  • Sail covers
  • Mast
  • Life buoys
  • Dinghy
  • Electric panel
  • Nav station

Its easy to remove the boat name with lots of photo editing software packages, one of our favourites is Photoshop Elements.

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