WEBSITE - Language

We have recently updated our software which detects the language customers browse the Boatshed websites in and automatically display this chosen language so that the customer gets a good browsing experience.

If you are now seeing odd terms in your boat spec page (like broiler, grill, petrol, gasoline) then you need to adjust your browser language first and second choice.

To check what language you have as first choice in your browser settings click on the links below for instructions on how to check and change your browser settings.

Change your language settings in...

Browser language settings

Mostly of the confusion will be between English US and English UK language choices

  • Browser first choice - English US
  • Browser second choice - English UK

Try this next...

  • REFRESH (Ctrl 5) - maybe a few times. If the language problem does not rectify itself, go to next point.
  • If you're website is viewing the page in the wrong language then click on and paste and email the contents of the page back to us on
  • Also remember that Boatshed remembers your language choice so you may need to close and reopen browser to refresh the website language.

The logic detects the preferred language(s) of the user (in order of preference) and matches it to the languages available on Boatshed. If we do not support any of the users supported languages, it will default to the language of the broker.

To change the website language in Boatshed website see image below. (Click top right and choose language)

If you use a MAC click  HERE

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