BOAT SALES - Detailed Boat Sales Process
Boat Name:
Boatshed Ref:
Contact the seller about selling their boat | |
Send the listing agreement (the terms and conditions can be sent via legalesign) | |
Has the listing agreement been signed - do not continue until signed | |
Has the inventory been completed in full | |
Take copies of the boat documents; previous bill of sale, VAT, registration. Contact Support if unsure | |
Seller confirmed ok to share docs? | |
Check for and note any boat name changes in the documents? | |
Check and note any owner address changes in the documents? | |
Any of the following involved in this sale; Divorce, bereavement, probate, VAT issues, RCD/CE issues, syndicate, import - contact support for advice | |
Seller/joint seller/s registered, add full names/addresses to dashboard | |
Berthing costs obtained and date of expiry of paid berthing noted | |
Add boat to the dashboard - if there is a listing enquiry on the system, click on the ‘list boat’ button (this will automatically close the listing enquiry) | |
Boatshed authorised to withdraw keys/key. Whereabouts of key noted on dashboard under Legal and Viewing section | |
Find out when last lifted/anti fouled, add to Details, Construction and Accommodation Comments | |
Find out when engines last serviced, add to Mechanical and Electrical, Mechanical Comments | |
Pictures uploaded and labelled to Media tab (if you want specific photos to appear on a data feed website tick the ‘send to feed site’ box) | |
Videos uploaded to Media tab remember to sort order and label | |
Virtual reality uploaded to Media tab | |
Categories, Notifications, Feeds tabs completed | |
Make notes on dashboard Overview, QC tab for any pictures, videos, documents missing and why | |
Upload all boat documents to the Media tab (ensure all are labelled as the owner will be able to view them via the owners portal) | |
Preview ad, rectify any errors/omissions | |
Activate the boat | |
Listing Live email sent to all sellers, Listing Agreement attached | |
Has the seller confirmed the listing correct? | |
Has the boat passed QC? | |
Once the boat has passed QC and the seller has confirmed the details are correct, send a New to the Market marketing campaign | |
Diarise price reduction in 2 months | |
Offer received | |
Offer placed on dashboard | |
Offer accepted | |
Check whether sole or joint buyers | |
Add joint buyer to system, if joint buyers | |
Ensure all buyer/seller addresses are on system | |
Request deposit (10% of offer price) | |
Send Sale and Purchase Agreement to all buyers and sellers. | |
Relevant anonymised docs sent to buyer to check, or buyer already checked at viewing. Resolve any questions from buyer | |
Buyer happy with Ownership/VAT/RCD/CE/Import status | |
SPA signed by all | |
Diarise when 21 days are up when deposit cleared and SPA signed | |
Deposit received and ticked on the dashboard | |
List of surveyors sent to buyer, ask buyer to select | |
You've liaised with surveyor - times, keys, location. Ensure surveyor has access | |
Lift organised and confirmed | |
Lift paid for by buyer | |
Survey/sea trial fully booked | |
Survey/sea trial completed | |
7 day serving notice post survey/sea trial diarised, once survey report received | |
21 day period post notice-serving after 7 day period completed or notice served by buyer, diarised | |
Any renegotiations after survey/sea trial? | |
Vessel accepted by buyer? If not accepted, arrange return of deposit | |
Buyer prompted to insure. Send Friends of Boatshed link | |
Seller prompted to consider submitting notice to marina | |
Agree completion date with buyer | |
Agree completion date with seller | |
Enter final price and completion date into dashboard and request balance | |
Complete Bill of Sale | |
Bill of Sale signed/witnessed by all sellers remember witness must be non family | |
Ask marina for permission to complete sale and to stay at berth until it expires | |
Marina given permission for boat to stay at berth until it expires and permission to sell | |
Ask marina for yardage invoice or referrer's invoice, if appropriate, add to dashboard. Ensure any other invoices to be paid from proceeds of the sale are added to dashboard | |
Balance cleared and box ticked on the dashboard | |
Seller bank details received | |
MUST Verbally check seller bank details correct | |
Completion pack put together | |
Relevant boat documents extracted to completion pack | |
Confirmed all documents/keys/inventory on board | |
Commission share entered and correct (if Modular or Shared Revenue Brand) | |
All documents uploaded to dashboard | |
Finalise on the dashboard | |
Create Buyer Closing Statement | |
Create Seller Closing Statement | |
Email marina to confirm completion, ask for invoice if appropriate | |
Email seller completion, add Closing Statement | |
Email buyer completion, add Seastart if appropriate, add Closing Statement and copy of BOS | |
Clear all outstanding notifications | |
Diarise 1w feedback request | |
Diarise 6 monthly catch up | |
Diarise annual catch up | |
Confirm with buyer and seller the sale is being cancelled | |
Remove offer from the dashboard (click request details) | |
Email received to say bank details have been entered | |
MUST Verbally check buyer’s bank details are correct | |
Complete withdraw offer section on the dashboard |