BOAT SALES - Detailed Boat Sales Process

Boat Name:

Boatshed Ref:

Contact the seller about selling their boat
Send the listing agreement (the terms and conditions can be sent via legalesign)
Has the listing agreement been signed - do not continue until signed
Has the inventory been completed in full
Take copies of the boat documents; previous bill of sale, VAT, registration. Contact Support if unsure
Seller confirmed ok to share docs?
Check for and note any boat name changes in the documents?
Check and note any owner address changes in the documents?
Any of the following involved in this sale; Divorce, bereavement, probate, VAT issues, RCD/CE issues, syndicate, import - contact support for advice
Seller/joint seller/s registered, add full names/addresses to dashboard
Berthing costs obtained and date of expiry of paid berthing noted
Add boat to the dashboard - if there is a listing enquiry on the system, click on the ‘list boat’ button (this will automatically close the listing enquiry)
Boatshed authorised to withdraw keys/key. Whereabouts of key noted on dashboard under Legal and Viewing section
Find out when last lifted/anti fouled, add to Details, Construction and Accommodation Comments
Find out when engines last serviced, add to Mechanical and Electrical, Mechanical Comments
Pictures uploaded and labelled to Media tab (if you want specific photos to appear on a data feed website tick the ‘send to feed site’ box)
Videos uploaded to Media tab remember to sort order and label
Virtual reality uploaded to Media tab
Categories, Notifications, Feeds tabs completed
Make notes on dashboard Overview, QC tab for any pictures, videos, documents missing and why
Upload all boat documents to the Media tab (ensure all are labelled as the owner will be able to view them via the owners portal)
Preview ad, rectify any errors/omissions
Activate the boat
Listing Live email sent to all sellers, Listing Agreement attached
Has the seller confirmed the listing correct?
Has the boat passed QC?
Once the boat has passed QC and the seller has confirmed the details are correct, send a New to the Market marketing campaign
Diarise price reduction in 2 months

Offer received
Offer placed on dashboard
Offer accepted
Check whether sole or joint buyers
Add joint buyer to system, if joint buyers
Ensure all buyer/seller addresses are on system
Request deposit (10% of offer price)
Send Sale and Purchase Agreement to all buyers and sellers.
Relevant anonymised docs sent to buyer to check, or buyer already checked at viewing. Resolve any questions from buyer
Buyer happy with Ownership/VAT/RCD/CE/Import status
SPA signed by all
Diarise when 21 days are up when deposit cleared and SPA signed
Deposit received and ticked on the dashboard
List of surveyors sent to buyer, ask buyer to select
You've liaised with surveyor - times, keys, location. Ensure surveyor has access
Lift organised and confirmed
Lift paid for by buyer
Survey/sea trial fully booked
Survey/sea trial completed
7 day serving notice post survey/sea trial diarised, once survey report received
21 day period post notice-serving after 7 day period completed or notice served by buyer, diarised
Any renegotiations after survey/sea trial?
Vessel accepted by buyer? If not accepted, arrange return of deposit
Buyer prompted to insure. Send Friends of Boatshed link
Seller prompted to consider submitting notice to marina
Agree completion date with buyer
Agree completion date with seller
Enter final price and completion date into dashboard and request balance
Complete Bill of Sale
Bill of Sale signed/witnessed by all sellers remember witness must be non family
Ask marina for permission to complete sale and to stay at berth until it expires
Marina given permission for boat to stay at berth until it expires and permission to sell
Ask marina for yardage invoice or referrer's invoice, if appropriate, add to dashboard. Ensure any other invoices to be paid from proceeds of the sale are added to dashboard
Balance cleared and box ticked on the dashboard
Seller bank details received
MUST Verbally check seller bank details correct
Completion pack put together
Relevant boat documents extracted to completion pack
Confirmed all documents/keys/inventory on board
Commission share entered and correct (if Modular or Shared Revenue Brand)
All documents uploaded to dashboard
Finalise on the dashboard
Create Buyer Closing Statement
Create Seller Closing Statement
Email marina to confirm completion, ask for invoice if appropriate
Email seller completion, add Closing Statement
Email buyer completion, add Seastart if appropriate, add Closing Statement and copy of BOS
Clear all outstanding notifications
Diarise 1w feedback request
Diarise 6 monthly catch up
Diarise annual catch up

Confirm with buyer and seller the sale is being cancelled
Remove offer from the dashboard (click request details)
Email received to say bank details have been entered
MUST Verbally check buyer’s bank details are correct
Complete withdraw offer section on the dashboard

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