DASHBOARD REPORTS - New Build Introduction Report

This document explains how to use the New Build Introduction Report.

The report will show the details of customers who have enquired about one of the new build boats on our system.  It will show the details of the customer and which brokerage page they were visiting when they made the enquiry.  The report can be used to track where a customer has come from when a boat is sold by a new build manufacturer.

The report has various filters so you can choose which information you would like to view.

First select the dates:

You can then choose whether to view the boats with the following criteria (you do not have to select anything you can ignore this)

  • Date of Enquiry (will show all boats where an enquiry was made between the dates specified)
  • Date first viewed (will show all boats where the first view was made between the dates specified)
  • Date last viewed (will show all boats where the last view was made between the dates specified)

You can then choose whether to show all boats, active boats or inactive boats

You can then decide the information you would like to view by clicking on the 'show all options' button.  You can use the Filter Columns to display the information you need eg. choose Admiral under boat manufacturer and it will only display the Admiral boats.

The Toggle Visibility options will remove columns if you untick the box eg. untick the Date First Viewed and that column will disappear from the list.

When you click on the customer's name it will take you to their customer record on the dashboard.

The report can also be downloaded by clicking on the "CSV" button to download it as a spreadsheet - or the "Print" button to print it or save it as a PDF.

You can click the "Copy" button to copy it to your computer's clipboard and then paste it somewhere if you need to copy the data from the table.

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