DASHBOARD - Logging in using your Google account

You are required to login to the Boatshed dashboard using your Boatshed Google account. 

Follow these instructions for the first time you login using your Google account:

Go to boatshed.com/dashboard and click the 'Sign in with Google' button. 

Login to your Boatshed Google account:

Or choose the account you want to use to log into the dashboard (this will always be your Boatshed Email)

NB: If you have a personal Gmail account, ensure you are logged into your Boatshed Email account otherwise you will not be able to gain access (you can be logged into more than one Gmail account at a time).  You can choose the correct account when it asks you to log in.

The first time you do this, you will be asked to allow permission for the Boatshed dashboard to access your email address, click 'Allow':

For those of you with multiple broker admin accounts, you will then be asked to select which broker admin account you wish to use

You will then have access to the system - remember it is linked to the live website so anything you change will change on the main website.

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